Linking devices in Meshnet

Learn how to allow other NordVPN users' devices to access your device within Meshnet

Meshnet lets you grow your private network up to 50 external devices and securely transfer data between these devices from anywhere. The advantages of sharing your Meshnet with other trusted users' devices are the same as for any group of devices connected to a local area network (LAN). Creating a private game server to play online multiplayer games with your Meshnet peers is just one example.

Adding your own devices to Meshnet does not require additional steps except enabling Meshnet on your other devices. These are considered personal devices because they belong to your single account.

If you're inviting other people to your network, their devices — referred to as external — will require a registered NordVPN account to join. However, it's good to know that Meshnet is free, so no subscription is needed.

The following platform-specific articles contain the steps for linking devices from other accounts:

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